
An authentic commitment to giving back

Our philanthropic aspirations run deep, grounded in a profound sense of responsibility to give back to the communities that have helped nurture our growth.

Through the Mosaic Foundation, we are truly privileged to have forged strong and meaningful connections with a diverse array of grassroots organisations. These remarkable partnerships are dedicated to bringing about genuine positive change, particularly in areas such as shelter and equality, healthcare, and the welfare of vulnerable and disadvantaged youth.

Together, we aspire to create a positive and lasting impact on the well-being of our communities and, where possible, beyond.

Our Aim

Our Aim

Our aim is straightforward: to make a positive impact on the organisations and dedicated teams working tirelessly on the front lines of homelessness, healthcare, and vulnerable and disadvantaged youth.

We are dedicated to providing financial, mentoring, and project-specific support to help ensure the sustainability of these vital organisations, enabling them to deliver enduring, life-changing assistance to those who need it most.

Furthermore, the Mosaic Foundation actively supports the philanthropic endeavors of our team members and networks through two distinct programs. The first program offers grants to support charitable fundraising events, while the second program facilitates workplace giving.

Explore the links below to discover more about our passion and consider joining us in our fundraising efforts.

Our Partnerships

Shelter & Equality

Emmanuel City Mission

The incredibly distressing surge in homelessness across South East Queensland has intensified our unwavering attention to assisting Emmanuel City Mission, with whom we share a fundamental belief in the transformative power of compassion and community support as essential tools for addressing this urgent issue.

For 10 years, ECM has been opening its doors to provide a sanctuary for homeless vulnerable members of Brisbane’s community.

Our partnership with ECM spans nearly three years, starting with staff volunteering and financial contributions. It has now evolved into a multifaceted collaboration.

This level of support will escalate dramatically over the next 6-12 months as we contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars along with our skills and resources to help ECM relocate to exciting nearby premises that we will be transforming into an amazing new ECM headquarters and home (as their current lease is not being renewed). 

This will ensure that this remarkable organisation will be able to continue to make a meaningful difference to the homeless and those who need it most.

We are immensely inspired by individuals like Roby and his dedicated team at ECM, who have selflessly devoted their lives to helping others.

Click here to learn more about Emmanuel City Mission.

<img alt='Emmanuel City Mission'  data-src='' class='lazyload' src=''><noscript><img alt='Emmanuel City Mission' src=''></noscript>

Property Industry Association

Youth homelessness affects 44,000 young Australians, and every night, 1 in 3 young people are turned away from accommodation. 

The Property Industry Foundation (PIF) brings together property and construction industry experts in a unique collaboration to make a tangible impact on youth homelessness.

Powered by the industry, PIF builds homes for homeless youth and provides ongoing support for homes where young people can rebuild their lives.

Mosaic is proud to be a 2023 Gold Partner of PIF, providing funding support to its Queensland- based Haven Projects.

Click here to learn more about the Property Industry Foundation.

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Vulnerable & Disadvantaged Youth


Eating Disorders (ED) pose a significant and widespread challenge in Australia, affecting countless individuals and their families.

endED is a not-for-profit community support organisation established on the Sunshine Coast that offers hope and guidance to the parents and carers of people with an eating disorder (ED).

Over the past five years, we have steadfastly partnered with endED, offering financial support and guidance to aid in its establishment and growth

We are proud to have assisted endED in realising their vision of opening Butterfly House, Australia’s first live-in eating disorder residential facility, in the Mooloolah Valley in late 2020.

This year we have continued to make financial donations to this amazing organisation through our regular support program.

Click here to learn more about endED.

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Destiny Rescue

Destiny Rescue’s mission is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and help them stay free.

Day and night, agents work relentlessly to search for children trapped in sex trafficking and exploitation and bring them to freedom. In the pursuit of children, we are often given the opportunity to rescue adults out of labour and sex trafficking situations too.

Destiny Rescue facilitates rescues in five regions across Asia, Africa, and Latin America and has support offices in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Since 2011, Destiny Rescue has accomplished remarkable feats, rescuing over 16,000 survivors from enslavement, actively preventing hundreds more from falling prey to the sex trade, championing justice for the wronged, and raising awareness on an unprecedented scale.

Mosaic is a proud long-term partner of Destiny Rescue, spanning more than five years. During this time, we have contributed significant funds and support, directly resulting in the rescue and liberation of just over 50 children to date.

Destiny Rescue’s cause and mission are incredibly close to our hearts. Our ongoing efforts and financial contributions to keep doing all we can to help them achieve their vision remain unwavering.

Click here to learn more about Destiny Rescue.

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Hope in a Suitcase

Hope in a Suitcase Australia is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers who are incredibly passionate about showing every child in the foster care system that they are loved and valued by their community.

Children are given a suitcase of their own to ensure they have a safe and secure place to pack their belongings and take them wherever their journey may lead.

These suitcases are thoughtfully equipped with essential items, including toiletries, especially tailored sanitary items for older girls, underwear, pyjamas, and an extra change of clothing. 

For the younger children, the suitcases also contain comforting items to cuddle, a book, a journal, or colouring books with pencils. This thoughtful curation aims not only to meet practical needs but also to foster creativity and offer a welcome distraction from the challenges they may be facing.

To date, Mosaic is proud to have sourced and produced 300 custom-made suitcases ready to be filled. 

In addition, we have conducted collection drives among staff members for clothing donations and provided monetary contributions directly to Hope in a Suitcase to help fill the suitcases, which are then gifted to foster children between the ages of 15 and 18.

Click here to learn more about Hope in a Suitcase.

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Great Dreams

Great Dreams provides youth aged 12 to 18 with vital financial support in areas such as the arts, sports, and education to help them pursue their goals, foster positive life trajectories, and promote a brighter future.

Through an annual scholarship program, the ultimate goal is to help underprivileged youth with a lifeline opportunity and hope that they can achieve their dreams, otherwise unattainable due to lack of income, family breakdown, disability or severe illness.

Mosaic is a 2023 Committee Member for Great Dreams. In 2022 and 2023, we supported their annual flagship fundraising event, the Noosa Triathlon, with several team members competing and raising just under $30,000.

These funds go towards Great Dreams’ annual scholarship program.

Click here to learn more about Great Dreams.

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MS Queensland

MS Queensland is not only a support network but a catalyst for positive change, working towards a future where the burden of neurological diseases is alleviated through advancements in research, care, and community support.

Through a wide-reaching, multifaceted approach that combines advocacy, research, and quality control, MS Queensland leaves a lasting impact on the community, fostering a sense of hope and resilience among the individuals and their families affected by this debilitating condition.

Mosaic has been the primary sponsor of MS Queensland’s Sunshine Coast Swimathon for seven years. 

Each year, our team members are joined by dozens of committed individuals who dive into the water at the Sunshine Coast Aquatic Centre to complete a 12-hour swimming relay.

Mosaic has directly raised over $110,000 in the last three years alone, which goes towards critical research and support services for MS sufferers and their families.

Click here to learn more about MS Queensland.

<img alt='MS Queensland'  width='300px' data-src='' class='lazyload' src=''><noscript><img alt='MS Queensland' src='' width='300px'></noscript>

Our Past Partnerships

Safe Haven Community

Across Australia, 7.2 million spare rooms in private homes are vacant for 90% of the year. Safe Haven Community maintains a national database of security-vetted community members who donate their spare rooms to someone who needs a safe place to stay.

They offer a nurturing and supportive environment for up to three months and connect our guests to a network of professionals to offer guidance in building a better future free from fear and abuse. Their Placement Team and Case Workers ensure that everyone is safe and happy for the duration of the stay. Everyone’s safety is our highest priority.

Click here to learn more about Safe Haven Community.

Safe Haven Community

Friends of BFT Australia

Friends of Build Your Future Today Australia raises funds to support work that helps make villages in Cambodia get out of abject poverty by helping them with education, health and hygiene, clean water sources and upskilling in farming.

Click here to learn more about Friends of Build Your Future Today Australia.

Friends of BFT Australia

Help Enterprises

HELP Enterprises delivers market-leading products and services that add value for their customers while creating employment opportunities and support for people with disabilities, along with other disadvantaged groups.

Click here to learn more about HELP Enterprises.

Help Enterprises

Multicap QLD

Multicap offers people with disabilities individual and group day programs, supported employment, respite, social support, and much more. Their passion is for every individual’s right to connect and realise the possibilities available to them.

Click here to learn more about Multicap.

Multicap QLD


Vanguard Laundry Services has built a custom, state-of-the-art commercial laundry that aims to deliver significant economic and environmental savings for its customers. They employ people who have experienced mental illness and struggle to get back into the workforce.

Click here to learn more about Vanguard.


Who We Are

With a growing footprint of award-winning projects in South East Queensland, Mosaic is a design-led residential developer committed to creating sustainable, architecturally stunning urban solutions.

We are passionate creators that seek to inspire the local and surrounding communities while delivering outstanding economic and lifestyle benefits to our customers and stakeholders.


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