Mosaic in the news | 3 minutes Market Insights Series: Q&A with Brook Monahan

Mosaic Property

Published via - 27/03/2023

Over the last two decades, Mosaic Property Group has grown from a construction firm focusing on large suburban blocks around 10 kilometres outside of Brisbane, to become one of, if not the most sought-after and trustworthy brand for buyers across the whole of South East Queensland.

Mosaic Founder Brook Monahan started the company in 2004 and it steadily progressed from suburban blocks to high-end homes and then into smaller unit complexes. They even partnered with the Queensland Government on some affordable housing projects their business was that diverse.

It was 2012 when the company rebranded with the intention of reaching a cross-section of the market that t was based on understanding what the consumer wanted and then being able to consistently deliver that across a long period of time.

Since then, the company has delivered over $2 billion worth of apartments across the booming South East Queensland region, with a further $1 billion currently under construction.

We recently caught up with Brook to talk about Mosaic and how they’ve grown into one of the largest builder developers in the area.

Monahan says that while the company has become known as a luxury brand in the marketplace, that’s not what they set out to do.

“We set out to design and deliver product that the market responded well to, and that form and function was just as important as architecture and beauty, but most importantly that people knew we did things for the right reasons over the long term, and that the buyer that bought off us today would be another buyer in the future, and if it wasn’t them it would be one of their family members or friends,” Monahan said.

Monahan says they’ve always said they’ll be a developer that responded to a larger cross-section of the market.

“We’ll deliver projects now that are mostly suited to wealthy downsizers in luxury apartment markets, particularly on the coast, where apartment prices ranges might be between $5 million to $12 million, which we couldn’t have dreamt of 20 years ago, but then we’ve also got a diversity of product that will enable people to come and buy a two-bedroom, or two-bedroom plus MPR product in any of one of our markets that suits a different buyer demographic.”

As for advice for off the plan buyers, Monahan says do your homework.

“If you don’t understand the track record of the organisation, and I’d encourage that track record to relate to whatever it is the project they’re now taking to the consumer.

“If you’ve got a developer, even if they’ve got a track record, is that track record reflective of the type of product that you’re looking to buy off that developer, and if not, I would say proceed with caution in the current market.